We are starting an infrastructure replacement project in Donora, PA in early January. Our work will affect customers along portions of:
- Thompson Avenue
- Meldon Avenue
- McKean Avenue
- Fourth Street
- Third Street
- Second Street
- Kenric Avenue
- Book Aly
- Kenneth Street
- Allen Avenue
- First Street
- Rod Aly
- Cherry Aly
- Lawrence Aly
- Bradford Aly
- Chestnut Street
- Pike Aly
- Strawberry Aly
- Market Street
- Mellon Street
- Locust Street
Work will take place Monday through Friday, 7AM – 5PM. Weekend work is also possible, and all work is scheduled to be completed in the coming weeks. Weather may delay the full completion of the infrastructure replacement project, but know we will remain committed to restoring your community as soon as possible.