

Borough of Donora, PA

​How to Be Stormwater Smart – DEP’s website
Stormwater Discharges from Municipal Sources – EPA’s website

The Early Intervention Program (EIP)

The Early Intervention Program (EIP) was designed to offer a pre-emptive step for municipalities who feel as if their financial situation, while not yet formally declared distressed, are realizing difficulties and seek to improve their financial position. The Early Intervention Program supports municipalities by offering grants that can be used to fund costs associated with hiring an independent financial consultant to prepare a three to five year financial plan and management review of their municipality. The plan will outline short and long term financial, managerial and economic development strategies that the municipality can consider implementing to possibly strengthen their financial capacity.

Donora Borough participated in this program in an effort to strengthen their financial capacity and to develop long term goals and plans to move the Borough forward.

The completed plan is included below:

Appendix A – Municipal Profile: General Population and Housing Characteristics 2010
Appendix B – Borough-Donora-2018-Financial-Document
Appendix C – Comparable Communities
Economic Development Plan – July 2019
FINAL Donora Steps 1-2-3 Report 2018
Step 4 – FINAL Management Report 2019
FINAL Steps 5-6 July 2019